Several weeks ago I started having trouble accessing the internet. So I called my internet service provider tech support seeking help. They had me run a series of tests that didn’t reveal the problem, and it was then suggested I try a somewhat different approach to get online. This other method requires that I turn it on most all the time, since it has a tendency to shut down when not in use for some time -- like two and a half minutes. (Okay, maybe three and a half.) Also my email would not come in or go out unless I had this thing turned on. Doable, but quite a nuisance.
So about a week or two later I phoned tech again. They had me try several things, none of which worked. Then I had a thought. “Maybe it’s the modem,” I suggested. They ran some kind of test at their end and concluded that yes, the problem is likely the modem. They would send me a new one at no cost, but I would have to pay the shipping. Well, all right, how much is the shipping? It ranged from $40 for overnight, down to $20 (and here I quote the gentleman’s exact words)”... for delivery in up to 5 business days.” I figured I could wait another 5 days. That was on Monday, March 14. I thought I wouldn’t see it until the following Monday, at the earliest. Sure enough, it did not arrive the following Monday. I waited two more days. No package. So I called tech again. Explained the situation.
Me: Where is my package?
Tech: Please hold. (comes back) It was sent to New York.
Me: What? I live in California!
Tech: It was sent to your New York address.
Me: I don’t HAVE a New York address. I have never lived in New York.
Tech: That is all right. We will mail you another. It will arrive in 7 to 10 business days.
Me: That is not satisfactory. It is already two days late. You’ll have to do better than that.
Tech: Please hold. (comes back) You will have it in 7 to 10 business days.
Me: That is NOT acceptable. Please connect me to someone who can do better.
Tech: Please hold. (hold music). (different person) May I help you?
Me: You mean I have to go through this whole thing ALL OVER AGAIN? (You might guess I was getting a bit under the collar).
Well, to cut this dialogue down, here, briefly, is what happened: I demanded overnight delivery. He agreed -- at the overnight delivery cost. I said NO. That under the circumstances, the incorrect delivery was their fault, and they should make it good. We haggled back and forth a bit, with me standing my ground and insisting on every proposal he made, that I didn’t like, was unacceptable.
He finally (apparently) agreed to my terms. I’ll believe it when the package arrives. Whew!
Funny cartoon --