Saturday, October 29, 2011


Do enjoy these unusual photos.  The last one is just for fun.

Humor -

The following was told by one of the aides at Avenidas, and is purportedly true.  She said that one time she went to a Halloween costume party where everyone was supposed to dress up as a song title.  One person came wearing a diaper.  The song title?  I cover the waterfront!


  1. Moose-t not have been a get-away car.

  2. Funny timing with the doggy sunglasses, I was thinking again how convenient it would be for Pippa! When the sun is low in the sky, it makes the damp pavement too bright. Only I don't think of this as we set out, only notice on the way back. I have to remember to keep her in the woods on sunny days this time of year, or get her sunglasses for winter! BTW, clocks changed in the UK today. Sunset 4:53 pm and it's only going to get darker. We're not as far north as Juneau, but close.
