Thursday, February 9, 2012


They can scratch, howl, be a nuisance, be demanding, but Lordy, they can be cute.  See for yourself.


He’s my friend.  Besides, I like to hear him snore.


 I’m not upside down.  You are.

 I can’t sleep without my little bear.

 I’m so cute!  Why do you suppose they call me Tiger?

 I didn’t do it!  I didn’t do it!  Whatever it was.

 They said the bus would stop right here.

 Just thinking.  About supper time.

Angels as Explained By Children

Angels work for God and watch over kids when God has to go do something else.
-Mitchell, age 7

My guardian angel helps me with math, but he's not much good for science.
-Henry, age 8

Angels don't eat, but they drink milk from Holy Cows!!!
-Jack, age 6

Angels talk all the way while they're flying you up to heaven. The main subject is where you went wrong before you got dead.
Daniel, age 9


  1. Cute kittens! But I don't think Pepper would approve.

  2. The second picture reminds me of tabby Kiwi when we first got her. Pippa never slept next to her (Kiwi sleeps on furniture) but they were always very close because Kiwi knew the big, ol'd mean cat Wasa wouldn't come near Pips. For over eight years now they've been the best friends. True animal harmony.

  3. These make me wish that I wasn't allergic to them - a kitty would be a perfect pet for us.
