Thursday, February 16, 2012


Perhaps forgetful, or careless, or simply used to doing things the old way.  Any commentary from me would be completely superfluous.


  1. I'm reminded of the time my parents were helping my 94-year-old grandmother into the car to drive her to my grampa's funeral. As we were going down the snowy street, we all suddenly went, what's that sound? Something had scraped down off the roof of the car and on down the back. Huh.

    When we got to the church, Gram's glasses were nowhere to be seen--so Mom and Dad and I got back in that car after dropping Gram off and went back up, looking. I had the best eyes so I rode passenger--and immediately spotted them in the snowbank by the side of the road, don't ask me how. Just a quarter mile from the church, too, so we weren't late.

  2. very funny pictures, I like it..!!
