Monday, December 14, 2009


Yesterday (Sunday) we had the tree trimming party where everyone brought some finger food for nibbling, in addition to a toy to be given to the Mountain View Police Department. The police add our contribution to their Toys for Tots program, and they will be by tomorrow to pick ‘em up.

No, not the logs in the fireplace.

These photos are just a sample of the toys that were donated.

And of course we trimmed the tree. Here it is before the decorations were added. Those are just the lights.

And here it is fully decorated!

Here is the top of the trimmed tree

Humor -

Two female privates in the army are ordered to paint the general’s office. They are warned not to get paint on their uniforms. So they lock the door, strip off their clothes, and start to work. An hour later there is a knock at the door. “Who is it?” they ask. “Blind man”. Thinking nothing of it, the privates open the door. “Hi”, says the man. “Where do you want the blinds?”


  1. That telescope is going to make some kid ecstatic!

  2. Hey, see that angel ornament to the right of the tree-topping penguin? I have the same one!
